TCMA Supports Christian Music!

Curtis Grimes 2018 Christian Country Artist of the Year & Christian Country Single of the Year

Justin Todd Herod 2017 Christian Country Artist of the Year, 2018 Christian Country Songwriter of the YEar n

Christian Country Music has always been and will always be a big part of the Texas Country Music Association.  As part of the annual Texas Country Music Awards as well as our annual Songwriter Contest, Christian Country has it's place.  

TCMA's goal is to help promote and support Christian Country Music and it's artists, musicians, industry related businesses and churches.

Christian Country Music is big...especially in Texas.  If you are a Christian Country singer, band, songwriter or business that offers services or products to this genre, please JOIN NOW and share our site with others.

Ambassadors for Texas Christian Country Music and the Texas Country Music Association are Christian Country artists Del Way, Curtis Grimes, Justin Todd Herod and Michael Knight to name a few.

Expect Christian music to grow even more in the years to come through our sister organization Christian Music Association!  To find out more go to

To refer a Christian Music Artist who resides or performs in Texas, a Christian Radio, TV or print media, or anyone else who touches the Christian  Music industry, please email their name, organization, website, email and phone number to

Del WayJustin Todd Herod

Check out Christian Music Broadcasting Here!